QUIOSQUES em Copacabana.


Know a little more about Copacabana and choose the best place to stay.

Few houses resisted the advance of population growth Copacabana. The neighborhood is taken by buildings full of apartments, many of them small with only two rooms.More facts about Copacabana

Copacabana – Where to stay?

What would hope to find? There is accomodation in the neighborhood for all budgets.

In Copacabana you will find a huge supply of room choices. Options range from 5-star hotels such as the Copacabana Palace, Windsor Atlantic and Pestana, through excellent 3 stars like Vilamar Copacabana and Windsor Martinique, there are hostels and seasonal rentals that will please you.

COPACABANA - where to stay?

The area has a large supply of public transportation that no matter where you decide to stay, it won’t be more than 0,44 miles away from a Metro station. This greatly facilitates locomotion, since you can access various tourist spots using the underground trains.
COPACABANA - where to stay?

Just below are the 3 categories of lodging. Select your preference and click to access the map, click on the icons for details.

  1. Here are the main hotels options.
  2. If you prefer to stay in a hostel in Copacabana there are several.
  3. You can also rent an apartment for the season.

Copacabana Palace. 

Building a Hotel like Copacabana Palace in 1923 in a semi-deserted beach and little known at that time, it was bold! It was one of the largest buildings in the area, surrounded by a few houses and mansions. The hotel also ran a casino, which closed in 1946. Hotel and Casino helped make Copacabana one of the most famous neighborhoods in the world.

COPACABANA - where to stay?
Hotel Copacabana Palace, Rio de Janeiro. Press photo.

In the 30s, the stage of the Golden Room,  have had stars like Maurice Chevalier, Josephine Baker, Clark Gable, Fred Ataire, Ella Fitzgerald, Marlene Dietrich, Dionne Warwick, Ray Charles, Nat King Cole and others, on its home shows.

Copacabana Palace em 1923
Copacabana Palace em 1923

In 1933, the well known movie called “Flying down to Rio” with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers, filmed in the hotel, has made the Copacabana Palace known throughout the world.

The” book of gold”, has been signed by members of royalty, presidents, movie stars and celebrities in music, sports and other important personalities for over 80 years.

The Hotel is listed by the Historical Heritage.

Even today the Copacabana Palace is one of the most important and luxurious hotel in Rio. If you want comfort and quality you will not be disappointed.

Transports  in Copacabana.

O Metrô (Subway)

There are three Metro stations in Copacabana: Cardeal Arcoverde Station, Siqueira Campos Station and Cantagalo Station, connected by line 1of the train. They are the gateway to many tourist attractions and many local competitions at the Olympic Games this year.

I tried to gather here all the information you will need to understand and use the Metro without problems. Check it out.

Mapa do Metrô do Rio de Janeiro
CLICK on map to enlarge.


There are also sixty-five bus lines that circulate through the neighborhood, passing by the two main streets in the area with traffic flowing in one direction. The Barata Ribeiro street,  for those coming from downtown and the Avenida Nossa Senhora de  Copacabana, for those leaving the neighborhood towards the downtown area.

This may be the most economical way of transport around Rio, but it can also be the most complicated to explainand and to understand. To help you, I advise you to use a very interesting application that has  being indicated by the Rio City Hall because it is freqeuntly updated any time there are rerouting of  the bus lines.  It’s called “Moovit


Download the app for Android or iOS.Have your mobile GPS on.

From the home screen a blue dot locates your position. Click “Get Directions/Find a Line” and enter the address where you want to go.

Attention: is very important that on the next screen,you click where it says “Options” and in the window that opens select “Less transfers” which will avoid routing you on too many bus exchanges.

Click “Let’s Go“. Then you may choose the best option, which is usually the first. one.

The app guides you to the nearest bus stop, tells how long the route is, accompanies you in every step indicating each stop, warns you with audible signal when you should get off guiding you to your exact destination.



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